Our friendly team works to strengthen your ability, upgrade your skills and meet all your goals and aspirations conveniently. Here you have your own choice and control over what services and supports you want and you need, how it can be delivered and live the life you choose in your community.
Our compassionate team considers your comfort and convenience as the top priority in providing you with quality support. Our main focus is to deliver what participants need and what they want.
Disability doesn’t define who you are. At All Care Community Services we have a multicultural, fully qualified, passionate, honest, ethical and professional team who will always be your best support. Our inclusive environment maintains equality for all participants and employees.
To reach your goals we are your best companion. We support your growth and we are always there for your journey. We provide a range of services that promote independence, social inclusion and wellbeing for participants, their families and carers.
All Care Community Services is committed to providing you with the best service and care. We strive to deliver the best in class service for all your daily needs and help you achieve betterment in your quality of life. Our support coordinators help you learn about the NDIS, assist with choosing new services, find programs to build independence, and manage your NDIS funding. Our support Coordinators are very experienced with the NDIS and in finding ways to meet your needs and goals.
We Are Proud To Support The Local Community With Our Exceptional Services
The NDIS will provide all Australians under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to enjoy an ordinary life.
The NDIS will help people with disability achieve their goals. This may include greater independence, community involvement, employment and improved wellbeing.
As an insurance scheme, the NDIS takes a lifetime approach, investing in people with disability early to improve their outcomes later in life.
The NDIS also provides people with disability, their family and carers with information and referrals to existing support services in the community.
An eligible person can become an NDIS participant in several ways, such as: 1) You can apply to the NDIS by calling 1800 800 110 to make a verbal application. 2) Completing an Access Request Form online or by mail, or even by contacting your local NDIS office. 3) Providing supporting documents to prove: Your age Your Australian citizenship or permanent residency You live in Australia permanently Evidence of your disability Providing proof of disability for children (where applicable) 4) Get help from NDIS service providers like All Care Community Services, where we will help you become an active participant with the specific services that you require.
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